
Sunday, November 28

Introducing Baby Vandegriff!

This was the baby's second picture. You couldn't really distinguish too much in the first picture, but in this ultrasound at 14 weeks, you can see the baby facing the "camera". The head is at the top right and the body is below. You can also see a little dot to the left of the baby's head that is actually his/her hand. I loved this picture because it looks like the baby is looking right at us and waving to say, "Hey Mom & Dad!" We had another appointment at 18 weeks where we hoped to find out Baby Vandegriff's sex, but it won't be until our next appointment on December 7, when we're at 22 weeks. I'm really looking forward to finding out what the little thing is going to be so I can stop calling it an "it". 

I started feeling the baby moving at around 16 weeks, but I wasn't sure if it was the baby or if it was just gas (haha) until the next week when the movements got stronger and happened more frequently. I love to feel him/her moving around in there. Sometimes Blaine can feel the movement too, but it seems like every time he puts his hand on my stomach, the baby stops.

Things we're looking forward to in the next few weeks:
            Finding out whether it's a boy or girl
            Getting all the nursery furniture and getting the room set up
            Making a baby registry
            Deciding on a name for Baby Vandegriff

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