
Tuesday, March 8

Everything but the Baby

It's getting closer and closer to delivery day (4 weeks to go!), and we have been showered with so many gifts from so many people. Both Blaine and I have been humbled by and grateful for all that we have received, and it has been such a huge blessing and help. I wanted to post a picture blog of his room now that we've pretty much gotten it all organized. I think we basically have everything in there but the baby now!   

The above picture is the view of Brock's room looking in from the doorway. I have one more thing to hang on the wall to the left of the window, a framed picture of dandelions blowing that my mom bought for us. The picture below is the view of the room from the opposite corner. Blaine recently installed the sliding mirror doors for the closet because the previous homeowners took out the closet doors in a couple of the bedrooms for some reason.  

This little corner of the room will be the nursing/reading/rocking corner. I love our glider rocker (as I posted in a previous blog), and we got a little lamp and cd player to complete the corner. You may also notice the diaper bag sitting in the chair which is being prepared for the trip to the hospital.

A lady at my church whose daughter is in our Sunday School class makes these personalized buckets that I absolutely love! They gave this to us as a shower gift filled with diapers and other little items. We're using it now to hold the stuffed animals Brock has so far.

It's probably a good thing that all the showers are over now because I don't know if we could fit much more in his closet. We are definitely stocked up on clothes, diapers, and wipes which I am so thankful for. I'm sure we'll go through all of it very quickly though. We also put up a small dry erase board next to the closet to help keep track of feeding and nap times or other important information. It's part of my Type A personality :)

One thing that we clearly have plenty of are socks! They are so tiny and cute. It is hard to imagine feet that are small enough to fit in those socks, but only a few more weeks and we won't have to imagine anymore. Brock has a few pairs of shoes already too. I can't wait to put those flip flops on him!

We're borrowing this bassinet from Brock's cousin, Anna, who was born back in November and has outgrown it now. It is sitting next to his crib in his room for now, but we'll actually move it to our bedroom for him to sleep in for the first few weeks after he comes home.
I was going to get some wooden letters to paint and hang Brock's initials above the changing table, but my stepmom went one step further and painted his entire first and middle name for us! I had no idea she was doing this, but they turned out great and it filled that blank spot on the wall perfectly. I love the varying patterns she did with the stripes too. Brock will have no excuse for not knowing how to spell his name now. :)
I think we're materially and physically ready for Brock now, but we're both still trying to prepare mentally as much as we possibly can. We'll be welcoming him soon though, and meanwhile the excitement, anxiety, and weird dreams about his arrival continue to increase.

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