
Friday, May 13

A Picture's Worth...

Probably one of my favorite things about having a baby is being able to get some good use out of the $600 camera I bought for my birthday two years ago. During the fog of the first month I didn't get to take a lot of pictures myself, but for the past couple of weeks I've been experimenting with the camera and a photo editor. These are some of my favorites that I've gotten so far.

Brock doing what he does best... sleeping

I think little baby feet always make for good pictures.
Snuggled up in his swing.

The elusive smile, sort of caught on camera. Technically this is just his little half smile/smirk that he does sometimes. I haven't been able to capture the full-blown grin that we occasionally get. I'll catch it sooner or later though!

Chubby little hand. Looks like he's going to need his nails clipped again soon.

Again with the feet... I can't get enough of the tiny toes.
                                                 Sticking out the tongue. 
Anyway, just a few pictures of Mr. B at about 7 weeks old. I'm going to have to get some more storage space on my computer for this little guy. I'm definitely his biggest fan.


  1. Absolutely precious pictures! He is gorgeous and so wonderful!

  2. Boy he looks like Blaine to me and how ADORABLE!! -Janna

  3. Adorable!! I really need to come visit him soon!

