
Friday, June 3

Friday Photo - Making Friends

Every day we try to give Brock a little independent "play" time just so we aren't constantly in his face and so he can learn to entertain himself some. I'm hoping that this transfers over to his toddler years and that it will help him develop his imagination and sense of independence. Of course there's a selfish motivation too because I will want to be able to get things done when he's older and not have to always be his source of entertainment. So we're starting young with independent play. Usually it consists of about 10 or 15 minutes (he still doesn't stay awake for too much longer than this after he's eaten) in the pack'n'play or in his rocker seat with a mobile overhead.

This past week we noticed that Brock seems to have made friends with the little giraffes on the mobile over his pack'n'play. He can really focus on them now and he's started swatting at them with his hands. Every now and then I'll look over and he's just smiling away at Mr. Giraffe on the far left; that one is his favorite. Occasionally, toward the end of the playtime, his giraffe friends will hurt his feelings and he'll start crying so we know it's naptime then. While I couldn't catch him smiling or swatting, I was able to get some pictures of him gazing at the giraffes this week and thought I'd make these the Friday Photos. I love how huge his eyes get when he's trying to figure something out.

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