
Friday, July 1

Friday Photos and New Things

Fun things are happening this week as our two babies are starting to become more aware of each other. Technically, Piper (the dog) has always been aware of Brock since the day we brought him home from the hospital. She was on hyper-alert that first night and would fly out from under the covers in our bed (where she sleeps because she's a rotten dog) every time Brock cried. However, I think she's only just now starting to figure out what he is. Dogs read human faces to detect emotion (we watched a documentary on dogs because we're nerds), and Brock's face really hasn't been able to express human emotions until the past few weeks, at least not in any way that Piper was accustomed to. So now that he's smiling and laughing and can show sadness with a frown instead of just wailing all the time, I think she's starting to realize Hey this is just a little version of those people who walk on two legs and take care of me. On the flip side, now that Brock can actually see objects instead of just blurry fuzz, he is starting to notice her occasionally. So of course, I had to get some pictures to mark this momentous event. You can tell Piper's still not completely sure about him by some of the looks she gives, but she's figuring it out. We're pretty sure they'll be best friends before too long.  (Also note Brock's unkempt hairdo... that is what happens when his dad is the one that bathes him)

In other news, I thought I'd mention the "New Things" I referenced in the title of this post. I've really gotten into blog reading (remember what I said about being a nerd) lately and have found all kinds of interesting material out there. Some blogs are by people I know, but most of them are just random things I've found that interest me like recipes or crafts. I added a list of the blogs I'm reading toward the bottom left side of my blog in case anyone else is a nerd like me who would like some reading material in their spare time. 

I also added some links at the top of my blog. One of them is titled "What's For Dinner" and the other is "12 Months". The Dinner tab is a link to a new website I've found where you can create a personal recipe box and meal planner. I've been collecting new recipes that are easy and fast so feel free to leave a recipe in the comments on that page if you have any good ones I should try! The 12 Months tab is more for my reference and is a quick link to Brock's monthly updates... I like to go back and read them occasionally to see how he's changed. Anyway, just wanted to mention the new things I've added to my evolving blog.


  1. Your little man is such a cutie! Congratulations! I've got dome other blogs you need to check out...
    Jones design company, life in grace, the handmade home, and tatertots & jello are a couple II really enjoy. Forgive me for not posting links, but you can google the names and they'll just pop up.
    Hope y'all are well!

  2. Forgive all the typos in my previous comment...I'm typing on my iPad, and didn't bother to check it before I published it :)

  3. Thanks Catherine! I will check those out... I'm always looking for new reading material :) By the way, this is Catherine Rhoden right? I wasn't positive haha
