
Friday, August 12

Friday Photo in Motion & Comparison

Instead of pictures, I have another video to share this Friday, which I personally think is better than a photo but that's just my opinion. Brock got a little tickled (in more ways than one) when my mom was visiting him this week. She was getting some good laughs out of him for several minutes before I thought to get the video camera, then he was over it for a few minutes before she changed up her methods. I do love those baby laughs, but I'm a little peeved that he never really laughs for me regardless of how ridiculous I act. He has pretty much only done this for the grandparents so far, but I guess it's better than nothing. Honestly though, I'm not sure who was getting a bigger kick out of this, Brock or my mom?

And on another note, I do actually have a photo to share, but I'm not going to call it the Friday Photo because it's the same picture I posted of Brock last week. As I was going through some of my picture albums on my computer though, I found some of mine and Blaine's baby pictures that I used in our wedding slideshow. I came across this one of me (at Showbiz Pizza, woo woo) and thought there was quite a resemblance between me and the babe. I'm a few years older than him in the picture but I definitely see some similarities in the eyes, nose, cheeks, and of course the mouth. Just an interesting little discovery I wanted to post.

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