
Friday, August 5

Friday Photos - Cute Kid

The school that Blaine will be teaching at this year provided all their teachers with iPads to use for the classroom. Blaine has been fiddling with it all week to find relevant and helpful apps that he can use for teaching and to plan his lessons and important things like that. Then I got a hold of it.

Anyone who has used a Mac computer is probably aware of the Photobooth program where you can take distorted and generally hilarious pictures. Blaine and I sat on the couch one night taking picture after picture of ourselves and laughing until we both had tears streaming down our faces. It's really only that funny in the moment because when we look back at the pictures, they didn't make us laugh as hard as when we were taking them. The next day I couldn't help but see what kind of images I could get of the baby. They really aren't too flattering, and he looks mostly like an alien, but we've put up plenty of pictures of him looking cute and perfect so I had to post these for the Friday Photos this week. My favorite is the blockhead one in the center. I might just have a warped sense of humor.

Ok, but since I'm a little worried that these pictures are not going to satisfy some of the grandparents who read the blog (and since I don't want any potential first-time readers to think that's what my child looks like), I probably need to post a real one too. This is him in a little crocheted beanie hat that I bought for him off of Etsy and can't wait to have him wear when it gets cold. I think he looks pretty handsome in it. :)

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