Friday, March 2

Friday Photos - Randoms

I didn't post a Friday Photo last week mostly because I didn't really get any pictures of Brock that inspired me. He hasn't been doing very much new stuff lately, so there hasn't been much to get on camera. Even this week, I was kind of at a loss for what to post. I may have to start making it the Every-other-Friday Photo.

We've been going for walks around the neighborhood every day since the weather has been pretty nice, and I took some pictures on one of our walks this week because the sky was so clear and pretty (it was a lot colder and more windy than it looked though, hence the blanket and hat on Brock). Brock has really started loving the stroller. Just a couple months ago he wasn't a huge fan and only wanted to be carried when we went for walks (which we didn't do very often then because he is way too heavy to lug around on a 30-minute stroll). Now that he has taken to the stroller though, I try to get him out at least once a day, and he seems to enjoy it.

Another set of pictures I wanted to post (maybe these can count as last Friday's) are a few we took of Brock and Piper before church last Sunday morning. I had stepped out of his room for a minute to brush my teeth, and Blaine walked by and noticed that the dog and the baby were in almost identical poses leaning on the baby gate... both probably wanting us to let them out. Fortunately, the camera was close by.

I'm pretty sure Brock is telling her something like, "Don't worry, Piper; I won't eat you" or "Just smile and do something cute so she'll put the camera away faster."
And here Piper is thinking, "I know this is extremely entertaining to you guys, but could we wrap the whole thing up because being alone in here with this kid makes me nervous."

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