Friday, November 25

Friday Photo in Motion - Camera, Lights, Action

From birth, Brock has been fascinated by lights. Almost to a point where I occasionally wonder whether there is something wrong with him. He loves to stare at any kind of light there is, and every time we go to a new place the first thing he looks for are lights. Maybe he's going to be an electrician one day or something.

Anyway, I've been kind of excited about Christmas time because I've been looking forward to seeing Brock's reaction to all the lights up everywhere. Today we got out all our Christmas stuff to work on getting it put up. Brock was laying on his playmat just hanging out with his toys while Blaine and I unpacked the icicle lights for outside. We untangled them all and laid them out, then plugged them in to make sure they were all working. As soon as Brock caught sight of all the lights on the floor, he decided to learn how to crawl!

All this week he's been starting to pull himself a little with his hands and has been moving around a little more. But at most, he would only move forward a couple of inches and it was a pretty slow process. Apparently his love for lights was a serious motivator though because he got to them faster than I could get them out of his way. We did it a couple of times and caught him on video, so I thought it would make a good, festive Friday photo in motion.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Christmas for the next ten years at least will be even more fun, with Brock around!
